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Trying to be as clear as possible?  Here are some resources to help you be as clear as possible in communicating your ideas.



Are you trying to find a rhyme for the word purple or orange?

Well, this site can't work miracles.  But if you want to find a rhyme for other words, this is a great resource that will give you a list of rhyming words.


Grammar Girl

Are you having trouble with the nuances of grammer and mechanics?  If so, this helpful site has pointers for how to communicate as clearly as possible with a collection of articles and graphics.



Everything you ever wanted to know about grammar but were afraid to ask!  This website contains information irregular verbs, prepositions, and every other thing you might ever need to know about grammar.  A great resource for getting more information on the way that language functions.


Using English

Using English is a resource for English Language Learners, but has resources for all.  If you want to practice making sure that what you write is what you want to say, it is full of practice materials.  For fun, also check out its vast database of IDIOMS!



Grammar and Wording

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